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Conscious communication is crucial for safety at work 💯

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

When you hear "transparent communication" in the working environment, how do you feel? 🤨

Do you think it is possible? Are you afraid of being honest, transparent, with your views and being "penalised" for it?

There is a lot of talk about "bringing your true self to work", in other words, to be genuine and honest in the work environment. Many advocate and believe, myself included, that a "transparent communication", which I prefer to call it a "conscious communication", is a vital pillar for fostering authenticity and trust among team members. It is a powerful tool that enables open and honest dialogue, promotes a culture of collaboration, and strengthens the foundation of any successful organisation. 💯

In this article, I want to explore with you the transformative impact of conscious communication in the workplace, discuss the barriers that hinder its practice, and provide practical strategies to cultivate a culture of transparency and consciousness, where people think first, then speak.😉

Imagine a workplace where colleagues openly share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns, where leaders are honest about their decision-making processes, and where trust flows freely among team members.

Does it sound like a "dream"? Is it "utopical"?

Not at all. It is more real than you might think.💯

Conscious communication has the potential to create such a workplace—one that encourages innovation, builds strong relationships, and enables individuals to bring their authentic selves to work.

Conscious communication goes beyond surface-level interactions. It involves being genuine, open, and vulnerable in our communication, while maintaining a deep respect for others. By sharing information transparently, we empower team members to make informed decisions, understand the bigger picture, and contribute meaningfully to the organisation's goals.

Nevertheless, there are some barriers. 😳 Despite its numerous benefits, conscious communication faces several barriers that can impede its practice within organisations. One significant barrier is fear—fear of judgement, retaliation, or negative consequences.

Employees may hesitate to express their true thoughts or voice their concerns due to a lack of psychological safety in the workplace. Additionally, organisational hierarchies and power dynamics can hinder open communication, as employees may fear retribution or perceive their opinions as inconsequential.

Another barrier to conscious communication is the presence of misinformation or a lack of accurate and timely information. When employees feel uninformed or receive conflicting messages, trust erodes, and rumours can spread. This further emphasises the importance of clear and consistent communication channels within organisations.

By then you might be asking… What would be the steps, or I may say, strategies we could put in place in order to cultivate conscious communication? 🤔

First and foremost, cultivating conscious communication requires a conscious effort from leaders and team members alike.

Here are some practical strategies to foster authenticity and trust in the workplace through implementing a conscious communication approach:

Lead by Example: Yelp! You have to "walk your talk". Leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone for conscious communication. They should model openness, vulnerability, and active listening. By sharing their own experiences, challenges, and decision-making processes, leaders create a culture that encourages others to do the same.

Establish Psychological Safety: Creating a psychologically safe environment is essential for transparency and conscious communication to flourish. Leaders should foster a culture that values diverse perspectives, encourages respectful dialogue, and treats mistakes as learning opportunities rather than sources of blame. Regularly check in with team members, provide feedback, and address concerns promptly and constructively.

Provide Context and Clarity: Conscious communication requires providing context and clarity in the information shared. Explain the rationale behind decisions, share relevant data, and ensure that the message is easily understood by all. This helps to build trust and allows team members to align their actions with organisational goals.

Encourage Feedback and Questions: Actively encourage and welcome feedback and questions from team members. Create opportunities for open discussions, town hall meetings, or regular feedback sessions. By valuing and responding to feedback, leaders demonstrate that open communication is not only welcomed but also valued within the organisation.

Embrace Active Listening: As the author Stephen R. Covey has stated, "Seek first to understand then to be understood". Conscious communication is a two-way street. Leaders and team members should practise active listening, which involves fully engaging with the speaker, suspending judgement, and seeking to understand their perspective. By listening attentively and empathetically, individuals can foster trust and build stronger connections.

Provide Training and Development: Offer training and development opportunities focused on effective communication skills, active listening, and emotional intelligence. These programs can equip employees with the necessary tools and techniques to engage in conscious communication and navigate challenging conversations with empathy and respect. Investing in the growth and development of employees' communication abilities reinforces the organisation's commitment to transparent and conscious communication.

Foster Collaboration and Teamwork: Conscious communication thrives in a collaborative environment where individuals feel valued and included. Encourage cross-functional collaboration, team projects, and knowledge sharing initiatives. By fostering a sense of camaraderie and collective achievement, organisations can break down silos and encourage open communication across different departments and levels.

Celebrate Mistakes and Learn from Failures: Conscious communication involves acknowledging mistakes and learning from failures openly. Leaders should create an environment where taking risks and learning from them is valued. By celebrating the lessons learned from failures and encouraging continuous improvement, organisations can cultivate a culture that embraces transparent and conscious communication as a catalyst for growth and innovation.

Seek Feedback on Communication Practices: Regularly seek feedback from employees about the organisation's communication practices. Conduct surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one discussions to understand how communication is perceived and identify areas for improvement. Actively listen to suggestions and concerns, and take actionable steps to address them.

Conscious communication is a catalyst for fostering authenticity, trust, and collaboration within the workplace. By breaking down barriers, encouraging open dialogue, and providing the necessary support and resources, organisations can create an environment where transparent and conscious communication thrives.

Leaders play a crucial role in modelling conscious communication, establishing psychological safety, and setting the tone for open and honest interactions. When conscious communication becomes a cultural norm, organisations can unlock the full potential of their teams, drive innovation, and cultivate a sense of belonging and purpose among employees.

As a leader in your organisation, embrace conscious communication as a crucial and powerful tool to transform your workplace and build a foundation of authenticity and trust.

Only then, you can tell your employees, colleagues, co-workers, managers, team players, that they can safely bring their true self to the workplace.

Trust me on this, "you can change a toxic environment by establishing a conscious communication way of interaction". Get in touch, and I'll tell you how.



I'm Tulia Lopes, Communication Architect. And I help professionals to get their message across, amplify their impact and feel confident every time they speak.

On Thursdays I share practical tips to help you to improve your communication skills, amplify your impact as leaders and boost your confidence.

Click the 🔔 to be informed every time I share important curated teachings that will improve your communication and leadership skills. 👍

If you are a leader who wants to break the barriers that are obstructing your communication with your teams, co-workers and managers to flow and build bridges instead, reach out to me.

⛔️ Remember: #consciouscommunication is the Rosetta Stone to start establishing a safe and transparent environment at your workplace, where every single person feel seen, heard and understood. 💯

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